All persons must comply with all requirements of law and the following rules and regulations when utilizing any off-leash area. Park hours are dawn to dusk.
If you believe any of the rules have been violated please contact us at [email protected] or (412) 301-6249.
If you believe you or an animal are in immediate danger please dial 911.
- All dogs must be at least four months of age, vaccinated for rabies, and currently licensed by the Borough’s animal control authority. Current license and vaccination tags must be displayed on the dog’s collar.
- All dogs must be spayed and/or neutered.
- No aggressive dogs. Dogs that become aggressive must be removed immediately.
- Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from entering the off-leash area.
- No food or treats may be brought into the off-leash area.
- No dog toys are permitted in the off-leash area.
- The attendant of the dog(s) must be inside the enclosed off-leash area and have visual and voice control of their dog(s) at all times. Dogs shall not be left unattended at or inside the off-leash area.
- The attendant of dog(s) using the off-leash area must use a suitable container to promptly remove any feces deposited by his dog(s) and properly dispose of such waste material in designated receptacle.
- The attendant is responsible for any damage/injury caused by his/her dog(s).
- No dogs over 25 pounds are permitted in the designated small dog area.
A person found to be in violation of this article and/or rules is subject to removal from the off-leash area and may be prohibited from future use of the off-leash area.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500 together with the costs of prosecution and, in default of the payment of the fine and costs, by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Such fine and penalty may be collected by suit brought in the name of the Borough before any Magisterial District Judge in like manner as debts of like amount may be collected by existing laws.
A person 18 years or older who brings a dog to the off-leash area. Such person is expected to be competent and knowledgeable relative to the behavior of and have control over said dog(s) at all times while at or inside the off-leash area.
An enclosed area designated by the Borough of Bellevue as the “Bellevue Dog Woods Off-Leash Dog Park” for the purpose of allowing dogs under the control of their owner or attendant to exercise and socialize off leash.
The attendant can see the dog(s) and is within 75 feet of the dog(s) at all times.
The attendant is within 75 feet of the dog(s), is able to control and recall the dog(s) at all times, and is not allowing the dog(s) to fight with other dogs. A dog under voice control must immediately come to the attendant when so commanded.